Orchid ID 0000-0001-5816-3329
Awardee of Islamic Education Appreciation From Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia;
Winner of International Best Article Competation in Poland 2012. 1. The Articles Cannot Survive without It:
and 2. No Fear of Starvation.:
M. Subandi. He is now an Educative Staff of the Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Design of Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi. Formerly, was professor of the Department of Agrotechnology. Faculty of Sciences and Technology, the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. (the former dean of faculty, 2006-2010; 2010-2014).
He obtained doctoral degree in Agricultural Sciences from Padjadjaran University of Bandung. ...... ICAPS'18
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He learned Arabic better than English when he was a younger. Never had he sat for English lecture in a formal tertiary education, but ever had he registered as a student of Arabic Department of an Islamic College.
However, the Headmaster of the Senior High School of Agriculture (SPMA) of Sukabumi appointed him to be the English master in 1981 when he got the first assignment as an educator.
Since then he has never resigned as English teacher or lecturer wherever he got assignment.
With his ability in this tool of communication, he passed the selection and test for a Capability Building Short Course in Melbourne University of Victoria, Australia.
Overseas academic events attended (National University of Singapore, Universiti Industri of Selangor, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Egyptian universities:Al-Azhar University, Cairo University and Suez Canal University. And International University of Sarajevo of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Hiroshima University).
He acted as spokesman of lecturers delegation to Islamic School of Southern Thailand.
He was a sole representative of Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to the Revision of Text Book and Sub-Regional Workshop on the Incorporation of Environmental Education in Dhaka, Bangladesh organized by Islamic Education, Science and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Regional Office in Tehran.
He also got partial fellowship from the Scientific Commission (Comstech) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to attend the Workshop and Training on Foresight for Innovation in Islamabad of Pakistan. He got a grant from Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and a Calling Visa from the Indonesian Embassy of Cairo to travel in Egypt where he made a short survey of Islamic Scientific Education in Al-Azhar University, Cairo and Suez Canal Universities, and Egyptian Irrigation System of the Nile river. He was one of Organizing Committees of
the First International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences (Click here ICAPS 2018) on 25-27 April 2018 in International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He has managed to write several books of Islamic Scientific and text book of Agricultural Sciences. He published more than 50 Agricultural and Islamic Articles published in national and international journals.: his expertise of agriculture is introduced within his article published in BJAS of Bulgaria :
Suitability of Corcyra cephalonica eggs parasitized with Trichogramma japonicum as intermediate host against sugar cane borer Chilo auricilius is published { Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, No. 23 (5).}
And the article of Developing Islamic Economic Production is published in International Journals. Journal of Science, Technology, and Development is a publication of Pakistan Council of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.http://www.std.com.pk/. Cannot Survive Without it , and No Fear of Starvation were the champion and the runner up articles made him won the International Best Articles Writing Competition in Poland in 2012.
Some of this achievements led him to receive the National Appreciation as Creative Lecturer from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia of 2012.
M. Subandi
Higher Education (Formal)
Estate Academy of Bandung (APB/Bale Bandung Estate College/Bale Bandung University) Graduation 1978
Language College Al-Jawami . Arabic Study Program (additional)
Institute of Public Administration of Bandung. Graduation 1984
Agriculture College of Sumedang. Graduation 1992
Graduate Program of Padjadjaran University . Crop Science Master Graduation 1996
Graduate Program of Padjadjaran University . Agriculture Doctor Program, Graduation 2002
Overseas Academic Visit/Courses:
-Reviewer Upgrading at Hiroshima University, Japan. 24-31 December 2019.
-Member of Committee of the First International Conference on Advances of Plant Science 2018 Sarajevo. International University of Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-Presented Paper as Keynote speaker in the First International Conference on Advances of Plant Science 2018 . IUS-Sarajevo 25-27 April 2018.
-Presented papers in International Multydisciplinary Conference in UTM Malaysia. 1st-2nd May 2017. -Academic visit/comparative curricular study in International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.2012.
-Academic visit/comparative study in Egyptian Universities: Al-Azhar Univ, Cairo University, and Suez Canal University. of Ismailiyyah. And Environmental survey on the Nile River (Soil and water Conservation.) 2012
-Workshop on Foresight for Innovation, Comstech of OIC Organization Islamic Conference. Islamabad, Pakistan, 2011.
-Workshop on the Incorporation of Environmental Education in the Educational Curricula for Primary and Secondary Levels and Revision of Textbooks. Organized by Isesco (Islamic Science, education and cultural Organization) and UNESCO, December 2010 Dhaka. Bangladesh.
-Academic visit to Islamic School in Songkla Province, South Thailand, 2010.
-Workshop on Smart Laboratory Management. November 2010. Selangor. Malaysia.
-International Capacity Building Short Course. Melbourne University. Victoria Australia (November-December 2009)
-Comparative study to National Singapore University and Malaysia (2008)
In Home Courses of Languages/Islamic:
-English , Harvard EC, ELS. International ,Al-Maksoem English College.of Bandung
Paow College, Bina Dharma English College,(1976, 1999).Bandung. Indonesia.
-Arabic training (1976), Arabic course Padjadjaran University (1994).
Imarat Arabic Training (2010), Islamic Centre of Bandung. Arabic Course (2010)
-Training Qira’at Sab’ah (Great Mosque of Bandung, 1976).
Job Experiences:
Asisstent to Manager Crumb Rubber Factory . Sukabumi, (Estate Crop Enterprise in Jakarta (1978-1979). Asisstent to Manager of Coconut and Rubber Tree Plantation in Sukabumi and Tangerang (1979-1980)
-Teacher of Agricultural Senior Higher School (Sukabumi-Soreang-Cianjur-Karawang Districts ( 1980-1988)
-Head of Personnel Section of Education Office Service of. Karawang District (1986-1988)
-Head of Admintration of Agriculture Faculty of Winaya Mukti University (1988-1997)
-Head of Research and Regional Development of Winaya University (1997-1999)
-Head of Research and Experimental Institute of Winaya Mukti University (1999- 2002).
-Lecturer (Academic Staff) of Tarbiyyah and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of -Sunan Gunung Djati of Bandung (September 2002-Desember 2003)
-Head of Biological Education Study Program of Tarbiyyah Faculty of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung December 2003- Juli 2006)
-Reviewer Boards of Asean Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, click here AESS Journal, Pakistan.
click here......
Peer Reviewer: Journal AGRO of Agrotechnology Department of FST-UIN SGD. Bandung
-Editorial Board.The International Journal of Basic and Applied Science. Insikapub. Indonesia.
-Dean of Science and Technology Faculty , the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati of Bandung (Juli 2006- July 2014).
-Member of Committee of ICAPS18 (First International
Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences).Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-Research Reviewer Islamic University (Islamic Universities, General Directorate of Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic Indonesia (2018-2021).
English (oral: good, written : good)
Arabic (oral : bad, written : Fair) .
Community Activity :
Head of Islamic Madrasah and Rois of Masjid of Jatisari Village Teaching Islamics in village madrasah.
Member of Village Ulama Council Khatib and Imam in University Mosque and in Village Mosque
1.Medal of uninterrupted 30 years devotion to the Republic of Indonesia as Public Servant 2020. From The President of the Republic of Indonesia.
1. Prize winner and Award/Appreciation of Islamic Education 2012 from Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
2. Medal of 20 years devotion to the Republic of Indonesia as Public Servant 2010. From The President of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. Award Image and Prize as the First Winner in the International Best Article Writing Competition in Poland. Sky Red, Ltd. 2012
4. Appreciation from the Rector of the State Islamic University of Bandung for the Academic Achievement in 2012.
5. Appreciation From The President of the Asian and Social Science Society (AESS), Karachi Pakistan, for my devotion to Assist the Development of AESS. 2012.
A. Books (Published).
13. Utilization of Celery Microgreens as Neuroprotective (Manuscript being process in Publishing house in Bandung, 2020)
Science and Technology for Islamic University (Revised Edition). Sains dan Teknologi di Perguruan Tinggi Islam . Edisi 2. (Revised Edition) Publishing House of Spektrum Nusantara, October 2018). ISBN:978-602-51117-2-3; E-ISBN:978-602-51117-3-0
11. GETTING INDONESIAN MORE PRODUCTIVE. Indonesia Yang Produktif (Spektrum Nusantara Publishing House of Jogyakarta, October 2017). ISBN.978-602-51117-6-1; E-ISBN:978-602-51117-7-8
10. Cannot Survive without Water. (Takkan Sanggup Bertahan Hidup Tanpa Air). Spektrum Nusantara Publishing House of Jogyakarta. 2017. ISBN 978-602-51117-0-9; E-ISBN 978-602-51117-1-6. Pp.171.
English for Specific Purposes . Darras Book. PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung, 2017, pp- 240. ISBN 978-979-692-732-6
8. Science
and Technology. Some Cases in Islamic Perspective.
Subandi, M., Humanisa, H. H., (2011). (English) PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.Bandung.ISBN :978-979-692-040-2.
7. MicroBiology,( Development, Studies and Observation in Islamic Perspective) Published by Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung 2010. 230 pp+xxii. (Written in Indonesian)
6. Estate Crops Cultivation. Gunung Djati Press. Bandung . 2010. 176 pp
5. Basic Microbiology (Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi.) Published by Gunung Djati Press, ISBN 978-979 9263-40-7. Bandung 2009. 220 + xii. Pages Format A5.(Written in Indonesian)
4. Sains dan Teknologi di Perguruan Tinggi Islam. Gunung Djati Press. ISBN978-979-9263-44-5. Bandung .2009. 115 +vi.pages Size Format A5 (Written in Indonesian)
3. Some Cases in The Revelation Guide on Science, The Islamic Scientific Paradigm. Published by Gunung Djati Press. 2009. ISBN 978-979-9263-42-1. 122 + vi.pages Format A5(Written in English)
2. Biotechnology , Theories and Laboratory Manual (Bioteknologi. Teoritis dan Panduan Praktik). Published by Gunung Djati Press. Bandung.2009. ISBN. 978-979-9263-43-8. 86 + vii.pages Format A5(Written in Indonesian)
1. The Dynamic of Growth and Yield of Ramie Plant (Dinamika Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Serat Rami (Boehmeria nivea (L) Gaud). Publisher Gunung Djati Press. 2009. ISBN978-979-9263-41-4. 137 + xiv. Pages Format A5(Written in Indonesian)
B. Researches,
Articles in journals presented in National and International Seminars Published in Journals or publications as stated. (in Indonesian or English).:
ANTI-STRESS EFFECT OF CILANTRO (Coriandrum sativum L.) MICROGREENS JUICE ON METHOTREXATE-INDUCED Drosophila melanogaster.AL-KAUNIYAH: Jurnal Biologi, 15(2), 2022, 243-251. Mohamad Agus Salim, Muhammad Subandi.
EFFECT OF STIMULANT (ETHEPHON) APPLICATION AND TAPPING FREQUENCY ON LATEX PRODUCTION OF RUBBER TREE. It is accepted for publishing in BJAS in 4-2020 issue of the Bulgarian Journal of Agriculture Science (August, 2020).
48. The Relationship Between Socio-Economic Status and Consumtion Pattern of Fisherman Household in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
Volume 10, Issue 1 (2020): 141-148.
47. Utilization of rice husk silicate extract to improve the productivity of paddy Ciherang cultivar
Budy Frasetya, Kundang Harisman, Dedi Sudrajat, Muhammad Subandi.
Received: January, 8, 2018; Accepted: April, 5, 2018; Published: June, 30, 201 (Web of Science)
Utilization of rice husk silicate extract to improve the productivity of paddy Ciherantivar
-46. A Review of Egyptian Afforestation Program and Its Effect on Agriculture. 2019. Asian Journal of agriculture and Rural Development,vol. 9, issue 1: 1-18. (Scopus indexed).
45. Development of soybean cultivation as leading commodity in regional agribusiness area.
Kundang Harisman & Suryaman Birnadi & Muhammad Subandi (2018). Asian Journal of agriculture and Rural Development,vol. 8 (2), 210-222. (Scopus)
44. Effect of chicken fertilizer combination and concentration of organic liquid fertilizer (LOF) on growth and results of sawi plant (Brassica Junceae L.) Shinta variety Budiasih, R & Sandi Hadian & Mohamad Agus Salim & M. Subandi (2018). Asian Journal of agriculture and Rural Development,vol. 8 (2), 204-209. (Scopus)
43. Growth induction of cavendish buds (Musa Acuminata L.) on difference concentration of IBA and BA in vitro.
Subandi, M. & Arkhan Jannata, & Sofiya Hasani. (2018).
Asian Journal of agriculture and Rural Development,vol. 8 (2), 178-187.(Scopus)
42. Effect of understumps age on the growth of budding of orange plant (Citrus sp.).
Salamet Ginandjar & M. Subandi & Alamsyah & Dikayani.(2018) .
Asian Journal of agriculture and Rural Development,vol.8. (2), 160-171.
- 41. Growth and Yield of Hydroponic Watermelon with Straw Compost Substrate and Gibereline (GA3) Application2018. Annual Applied Science and
Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018) The conference Bandung 21 April 2018, Indonesia.
39. . Effect of Stimulant (Etepon) Application and Tapping Frequency on Latex Production of Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell, Arg.). Proceeding of the First International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences. Sajevo, 25-27 March 2018.
38. Natural Fiber to Support Textile Industry Development in Indonesia. Munich Personal RePEc Archive. https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/80003/
MPRA Paper No. 80003, posted 3 July 2017 14:44 UTC.
1 37.- Effect of Understump Age on the Growth of Budding of Orange Plant . Proceeding of the First International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences. Sajevo, 25-27 March 2018.
Agricultural Science, International 25 ( 3) 2019, 499–505. Journal Indexed in Scopus., and
is ESCI indexed (Web of Science). https://www.agrojournal.org.
31. Pengaruh
Berbagai Nilai EC (Electrical Conductivity) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bayam (Amarantus
Sp) pada Hidroponik Sistem Rakit Apung (Floting Hydroponic System),Jurnal ISTEK, 9 (2):136-151. Co authors with NP Salam, B Frasetya (2015).
30. Science As Subject of Learning in Islamic University. Journal of Islamic Education. Vol 1, number 2, December 2014 M/1436 H. The Faculty of Tarbiyyah and Teacher Training. The State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. In Collaboration with Association of Indonesian Islamic Education Scholar. (CoAuthor : Abdelwahab M. Mahmoud.Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt).
29. Physiological Pattern of Leaf Growth at various Plucking Cycles Applied to Newly Released Clones of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3(7) 2013: 497-504
(Scopus indexed)
28. Developing Islamic Economic Production. Science Technology and Development. A Quarterly Journal. Vol. 31 (4). 2012. Pakistan Council for Science and Technology. Ministry of Sci and Tech of Pakistan. Accrd. Pakistan HEC. Islamabad.
27. Scientific and Technological Literacy in Islamic Perspective. As Presenter and the Article in Proceeding International Seminar on Scientific and Technological Literacy. Presented in Bandung, 13January 2013.
26. Cannot Survive Without It (water).(2012). First Winner in the International Best Article Writing Competition. July 2012 in Poland.
25. No Fear of Starvation (2012). Second Winner in the International Best Article Writing Competition.July 2012. In Poland.
24. Several Scientific Facts as Stated in Verses of the Qur’an. International journal of Basic and Applied Science. Vol. 1. No.1. July 2012. Insan Akademika Publication.
23. Some Notes of Islamic Scientific Education Development. 2012. International Journal of Social Science. Vol. 2. Issue 7. July 2012. AESS, Karachi. Pakistan
22. The Effect of Fertilizer on The Growth and Yield of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L) Gaud. 2012. Asean Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. Vol.2. Issue 2. June 2012. AESS. Karachi. Pakistan.
(Scopus indexed)
21. Islamic Scientific Education Development in the State Islamic University of Bandung, Proceeding of Short Course Acadenic Writing and Comparative Study, Asian Institute of Melbourne University. Victoria ,Australia. December 2009.(written in English)
20. Living Creatures and their Ecology in the Studying in The Islamic University of Bandung. Paper Presented in National seminar on Ecology. Auditorium University of UIN SGD Bandung. 15 Mei 2008.
19. Oxygen (naarun) and Chlorophyll (Syajaru al-Akhdlar) Form Food and Energy for Life. ISTEK Juran Kajian Islam ,Sains dan teknologi. Vol.II. No. 3-4 Edisi Desember 2008. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. ISSN 1979-8911. h.293-300.(written in English)
18. Thinking Approach in Biology in the Paradigm of Revelation Guide on Science. ISTEK Journal,Sains dan Teknologi. Vol.II. No. 1-2. Edisi Agustus 2008. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. ISSN 1979-8911. h.37-47 5. Experts Idea on Integration of Science and Religion. Religion Guide on Sciences. State Islamic University of SGD Bandung 2006.
17. Research Strategic in Sccience and Technology In The State Islamic University of Bandung. UIN SGD, Research University, UIN SGD Bandung 2006
16. Economical Prospect Analysis of Ramie Cultivation. ISTEK. Journal . Media Pengembangan Islam, Sains, dan Teknologi Volume 1, No 2. Juli Desember 2007. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
15. Growth of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L) Gaud) CV Pujon 10. Planted in Two Different Biophysical Areas. Presented in International Seminar on Natural Sciences and Applied Natural Sciences . Auditorium Kampuss III University of Ahmad Dahlan. Yogyakarta. February, 17, 2007.(written in English)
14. The Firtst Order in The Qur’an is The Quest for Knowledge : Special Verses Refer To Natural Process of Photosyntheses. Proceeding of the International Seminar in Bandung. .(written in English)
13. Science and Technology Education Required the Balance of Theories and Laboratory Practice, Media Education Journal Fakultas Tarbiyah. 2005.
12. Response Ramis Plants on Fertilizer, Buletin Ristek Balitbangda Jawa Barat, Volume 1 No, 1 Juni 2002. Hal. 29-32.
11. Planting Period and Planting Space with Special Reference to Dry Land Sugar,. Majalah Bulanan Kopertis Wil III Jabar, Wawasan Tridharma, No. 8 tahun X Maret 1998. hal. 21 -24,
10. Effects of Triakontanol and Picking Cycle on Physiological and Yield of Tea, Majalah BulananKopertis Wil. III Jabar, Wawasan Tridharma, No. 9 tahun IX, Maret 1997, hal. 14-17,
9. Effect of Growing Media on Growth of Vanilla Stem Cutting, Majalah ilmiah Unwim Vol. IV No. 4 Maret 1997 hal. 37-39. .(written in English)
8. Foliar Fertilizer Application on Stem Cutting of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) . Scietific Magazine Unwim Vol m. No. 3 Oktober 1996 hal. 23-25.
7. Drying Process of Rubber. . Proses pengeringan dan Pengaruhnya Pada Kualitas Karet Sheet (Skripsi Sarjana Muda Lengkap. 1977)
6. Management productivity .ProduktivitasPengelolaan Sekolah SPMA di Kabupaten Bandung (Skripsi S1 STIA Angkasai (1981)
5. Member of Research.Anggota Tim Peneliti Penelitian Mata Pelajaran Muatan Lokal Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Karawang. Departemen Pendidikan RI dan Dinas P dan K Jabar (1986)
4. Anggota Tim Penelitian Budidaya Ikan Unggulan di Jawa Barat (Dinas Perikanan Jabar 1 999),
3. Expert Staff of Projek Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Perkotaan (P2KP) Jawa Barat (2000)
2 . Respon Tanaman Rami di Lingkungan Biofisika yang berbeda (Disertasi S3, 1999-2001)
1. Scholars in The Islamic Golden Ages in Revealing Scientific Information in the Qur’an. Dialektika Budaya Journal of Islamic Culture, History and Language. Faculty of Adab and Humanity . State Islamic University of Bandung. Vol XIV/No.2/November 2007. .(written in English).
Articles Deposited in Muenchen Personal Archive of Germany and Digital Library of UIN Bandung. :
1. 1. Economic Review of Textile and Ramie Development in Indonesia. Ekonomi Pertekstilan dan
Pengembangan Rami di Indonesia. Untung Setyo-Budi and Subandi mhd and Agung R .
(2017). Munich Personal RePEc
2. Experiment on Ramie Fibre. (Penelitian Serat Alami Untuk
Mendukung Pengembangan Industri
4. 4. Eploring Crops of Rice Substitution . Subandi, M, Acep Kusmana; Agus Budiman, Arif
Fitriyani (201 9). Mencari Bahan
Substitusi Beras Dari Tanaman Tahunan Berbuah. Digilib UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung. http://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/20827/1/Makalah%20sukunpdf1-
5. 5. Conservation of Marginal Cinambo Land. (Konservasi Tanah Marginal dan Air
Some of activities:
Conversion of the formerly neglected and barren land in the corner of campus. Encourage students to initiate Biological Garden establishment.
Growing vegetation and aquatic species to facilitate some biological field practices and researches.
Converting a Neglected barren land to be an Green Biological Laboratory. (2003-2006)
A group of Students of Department of Educational Biology were presenting the using of Some chemicals for plant nutrition and plant protection.
Discussion on Agricultural and Afforestation Developments at the Conat Suez University : Kang Cecep (Embassy staff), the Author, Dean Faculty of Sciences, Vice President and Dean of Literature Faculty.(January, 2012)
State Secretary of Republic of Bangladesh, Director (Dr. Abbas Sadri, Ph.D) of ISESCO Regional Office in Tehran, and Delegates of Environmental Science Text Book Writing.
Attending lecture and Out-bond Discussion (Fore Sight for Innovation Short course, Comstech-OIC, Islamabad. Pakistan. Oktober 2011)
Granting National Appreciation. Minister of Religious Affairs of the RI, General Secretary (Dr. Bahrul Hayat, Ph.D) and the Awardees of Islamic Education Appreciation 2012. Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta. Desember 2012
Subhanallah walhamdulillahi robbil 'alamin. Allahu akbar walillahilhamdu.
Updated.12 Februari 2023.